Untamed Land

Untamed Land
Untamed Land

Friday, March 12, 2010

South Africa, Finishing up Kruger.

Although I'm trying not to be so slanted towards bird photos, I had to include this Black-bellied Bustard.
Tom gets a good look at Nyala at a picnic ground. We had them hanging around our lodging in several other places. They would come within 10 or 15 feet of us.  The males look much different. Photos of the male are coming up in another post.
Another attractive antelope, Bushbuck. This Bushbuck is unconcerned by my presense, but keeps a wary watch for possible predators.
A male Bushbuck.

Vervet Monkeys are delightful, but somewhat mischievious.
This is a cute, little antelope about the size of a Jackrabbit. It's called a Grysbok. I wanted to take this guy home with me. It had other ideas, and soon dashed away.
From the diminutive to the massive. Giraffes are so cool. We saw many of them.
Elephants, way cool too.
Waterbucks are distinguished by their toilet seat markings.
Nile Crocadile, and Snake-necked Turtles. The crocadile was not trying to eat the turtles.
I was fortunate to be on hand to take a photograph when this giant spider from outer space came down to get a drink of water.
Elephants at dawn. There are so many other photos I wanted to include, but I have to wrap this up somewhere. The next South Africa reports will be photos I shot further south.

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